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Conversation with Dr. Dee Frisque, Ph.D., Executive Director of Armstead Development and SCI Project

Dr. Dee Frisque, Ph.D, Executive Director of Armstead Development Center and SCI (Smart Creative and Interconnected Project), is an amazing woman full of ideas, faith, and integrity. I first met Dr. Frisque last year when she visited a local, small event where I was an exhibitor. Since that day, I have learned that although she has faced many trials that have tested her, she has never lost sight of her purpose. And as she continues her purposeful walk in life, she is reaching out and grabbing other women to walk with her. Dr. Frisque inspires me, and am sure she inspires other women as well.

1. Tell us something about Armstead Development Center? How did it start? How do you believe it helps women?

I started the center in 2006. The purpose was to provide training, consulting and coaching. I received my Ph.D in Workforce Education and Development from Penn State University in 2005. My dissertation was on efficacy of ethics training examining the attitudes, knowledge, and ability to solve ethical dilemmas among office professionals. l left my position to pursue my passion for program development focusing on ethics teaching and training. My dissertation focused on women but my company did not. Women and men take my ethics training workshops.

2. Tell us little about yourself.

I went back to school for my Ph.D. while working full-time. After completing my degree from Penn State, my plan was to return to my job - but I knew in my heart that I no longer desired to keep doing the same thing. The thought of leaving my position was not something I entertained. I was at a crossroad and felt stuck. It was a leap of faith when I resigned my position. I took the summer off to rest and eventually started to apply for jobs. That fall I found a sweet opportunity to work as an affiliate instructor and conduct ethics training workshops based on my research. Taking that leap of faith was the best thing I ever did. Being an affiliate instructor gave me freedom to eventually launch Armstead Development Center. Leaving my full-time position was scary, but looking back, a blessing in disguise.

3. What is SCI and how did it come about? How do you believe it will help women in the community? why did you want to start such a project?

The SCI Project promotes community engagement for women by creating unique meet-and-greet spaces for education, personal enrichment, professional growth and friendship. I had an 'aha moment' when I attended a women's leadership luncheon and the host said: "Women do not need a reason to gather to meet." Suddenly, I felt the need to organize a luncheon and gather women together. So I set out to find smart and creative women in my community.

4. The first SCI event is happening in April, how did you choose the speakers and why do you believe these women can help other women?

I met Dr. Jeannie Staples ( at that women's leadership luncheon. When I learned about her cutting edge research to help women and forthcoming book, I knew she would be great to have as a speaker. Plus she is committed to the SCI vision and more than willing to do her part to see the project become a reality.

Dr. Amy Freeman ( was highly recommended by colleagues as a person who would be an excellent fit for the SCI Project. I was lucky that she said yes and was available. Both speakers are outspoken advocates for supporting women and helping them to be their best. For more information about SCI, visit the webpage at:

5. Deepak Chopra wrote a book called, 'The Soul of Leadership.' In his book, he outline in an acronym what it takes to make a leader.

L- look and listen

E - Emotional bonding

A - awareness

D - doing

E - empowerment

R - responsibility

S - synchronicity

Do you agree and why. And do you think you have some of or all of these skills? (I will add the acronym in the blog)

Yes, all women pretty much have these skills. Especially "L" because of the spiritual attachment.

6. Based on the above question, do you believe any woman can be a leader?

Yes I do. And leadership comes in all forms and at every level.

7. There is also another quote in the book, "Becoming a leader is the most crucial choice on can make - it is the decision to step out of darkness in the light." Do you agree and if so, when was the moment you stepped out of the darkness? Was it an empowering feeling or one of uncertainty?

I stepped out of the darkness when I resigned my position. I felt free to choose a new direction, but there were lots of moments when I questioned if I did the right thing. Looking back, I see that trusting my gut was the right thing to do. I tell my students when faced with a big decision listen to your gut. It will guide you down the right path. A big part of stepping out of the darkness is trusting that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to keep pushing forward and eventually you will see the light!

8. Who are some women you admire?

Shonda Rhimes, television executive producer and writer. I admire how she creates shows that look like the rest of the world. Ava DuVernay, movie director of Selma and Middle of Nowhere. I admire her flair, style, and confidence in producing Selma. And Dr. Aaronette White, who was a professor at the University of California Santa Cruz (she passed December 2012). Dr. White saw in me what I did not see in me. She encouraged me to write about my experiences which were later compiled into the chapter, Becoming an Entrepreneur in her book 'African Americans Doing Feminism.'

In my office I have Dr. White's Sark poster "How to be a Fabulous Feminist" encouraging women to think and live creatively. She would love the SCI Project!

9. Do you agree with this statement, "Let go of the people who dull your shine, poison your spirit, and bring you drama."

Yes, Absolutely.

10. What are some of your future plans for SCI and Armstead Development Center?

I would like for the SCI Project to become an annual event and continue to reach smart creative women and connect them to others in their community. As for ADC, my focus is to write and develop ethics training materials.

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