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Trump and Women's Health Care

Before I add my two cents on the above topic, I would like to share with you the Official Press Release from President Donald J. Trump on Women's Health Week, May 14, 2017

"As we celebrate Women’s Health Week, beginning with Mother’s Day, we recognize the importance of providing women access to the best, evidence-based health information and care, and growing our medical knowledge through basic and applied research support.

Today, women are living longer, healthier lives than their mothers. The number of women dying from heart disease and cancer – the top two killers of women in America – has been decreasing for decades. Thanks to new breast cancer treatments, our health care professionals have saved lives and improved the quality of life for millions of women. We must continue to foster an environment that rewards these needed advances in research.

Ensuring affordable, accessible, and quality healthcare is critical to improving women’s health and ensuring that it fits their priorities at any stage of life. In particular, women should have access to quality prenatal, maternal, and newborn care. Under the current healthcare system, however, the lack of choice in health insurance and in healthcare providers, along with skyrocketing premium and out-of-pocket costs, are failing our citizens, our families, and, in particular, our women. Studies show that women are often the primary healthcare decision-maker for their family and they deserve better options.

I am committed to working with Congress to help mothers—and fathers—have paid family leave so that childcare is accessible and affordable, and to invest in the comprehensive care that women receive at community health centers. Through these reforms, and my 2018 Presidential Budget, we will enable access to the critical healthcare services women need."

And here is a little bit of what he said on National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, September 2017

"Unfortunately, about 14,000 women in the United States will lose their battle with ovarian cancer this year alone. If diagnosed and treated early, however, the five-year survival rate for women fighting this disease is more than 90 percent. Regular medical checkups and learning about the early warning signs of ovarian cancer can save lives."


"In addition to raising awareness, we reaffirm our pledge to prevent, treat, and defeat ovarian and other forms of cancer. Innovative and cutting-edge research in women’s health can transform cancer detection and lead to new treatments that are less debilitating and even more effective. This is why my Administration will continue to clear the way for incredible breakthroughs in medical science, including by working with Congress to implement the 21st Century Cures Act. So far this year, the Food and Drug Administration has approved two maintenance therapies for ovarian cancer, to help women who are battling this disease lead longer, happier lives."

I wonder, how can women if diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, will have access to these incredible treatments if the man who created the opportunities turn off the tap! Just a question I am quite sure many women are asking.

Trump's platform when running for president was to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACT) and select judges to the Supreme Court that would challenge the Roe vs Wade decision. As he leans back on some of those issues now that he is president, many Americans (especially women) are looking for some type of guidance on how the current administration decisions will impact women's health issues.

Under the Obama administration, millions of women took advantage of the new benefits that were guaranteed under law including Pap smears, mammograms, well-baby care, gestational diabetes screening and contraception. Before the ACT, many women elected to bypass these tests risking their health because of the expenses involved. If Obamacare is overturned, this will affect many women who are too financially strapped to go to the doctor. Obamacare helped to save the lives of women 40 years and older to have mammograms and significantly reducing the mortality from breast cancer. It also help young girls and women ages 11-26 receive a Pap test, reducing the morality rate of cervical cancer.

Healthcare and money are tightly linked with many poor Americans using things like unsecured credit cards to fund their medical expenses.

Trump shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back on things already in place that help Americans. He has already surpassed President Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. Are they playing the roll of Robin Hood in reverse - give to the rich and take from the poor. This is how I see it. How about you?

On April 13, the president signed a law repealing an Obama rule protecting Planned Parenthood from state efforts to withhold money allocated by Title X, the only federal program expressly devoted to family planning. And to make thing worse, the person he appointed over Title X is an anti-abortion activist named Teresa Manning who has been quoted as saying that contraception "doesn't work."

There are a few other people on Trump's team including Charmaine Yoest, Katy Talento and Valerie Huber. Each woman has experience in the healthcare arena, but each also does not believe in contraception and Ms. Huber, promotes abstinence education. Not every woman on birth control is having sex. Many women use birth control for medical issues. Wake up Valerie, not all women are sluts!

Tom Price, Trump's Secretary of Health and Human Services claims that, "there's not one" woman in America who is unable to afford contraception. Once again, the Republican Robin Hood Theory.

Trump want to enable many employers to opt out of birth control coverage in the insurance plans they offer their employees. If successful, any employer can refuse to cover birth control simply by citing a moral objection. This will result in hundreds of thousands of women losing contraceptive coverage. Poor women will bear the brunt, but many more will feel the pain as well.

You know Trump, women are people, too.

Trump cares nothing about women's health or women's rights. I guess when you are the president you can do whatever they let you do.

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