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Issues Facing Black Women in America

The everyday lives of Black women are often misrepresented and misconstrued. Little is actually known about Black women as a social group. There is no other group in America that is portrayed as negative as Black women.

For instance, society believe that most single black women and black single mothers are single because they hate the black man. For me, that is not true. I was married twice to black men who were not good black men. I do not care at this moment in my life about having a husband. I am very secure with whom I date. I do not need to validate myself with a man.

Another thing that is incorrect about Black women is education. I have a degree in business and theology, and am pursuing another in psychology. It is not my fault that some Black men do not have a degree or the desire to want to better themselves. I can't change that about them.

And getting back to being a single mother. I do not care how other women raise their children. I have raised mine, especially the girls, to be strong and independent. I raised my children the way I wanted to raise them.

As for music, I do not like today's hip hop or the hip hop culture. I do not care what he/she said, does or wears. They do not determine who I am. But what does is how the American society sees me and what true issues affect me and other black women.

Health - Black women die more often than non-color women from diseases that are preventable such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and domestic violence. Yes, we could visit a doctor and get the pills needed or hit the gym, but take a look at our communities. Each one of us has to deal with more stress, mental exhaustion, low self-esteem and self doubt than any other group of women. These stressors are often comforted with food, bad choices, and fear. Thanks to the media, who is going to believe that a Black women is vulnerable and needs the help of others?

Money - Almost every Black women I know is living paycheck to paycheck. I myself upon graduation will have a student loan to pay along with trying to make ends meet because I am not able to work more than 20 hours outside of my home due to chronic health issues. How many Black women will ever own a home? How many Black women will be able to care financially for an aging/sick parent? How many Black women will have the potential to earn their true worth with a college degree? Black women are more often undervalued and underpaid than minority men with/without a secondary education.

Education - More Black women are attending college than ever before, but there are still too many of our girls not receiving high school diplomas. And for those earning college degrees, not many are going into STEM or business fields. If you are able to achieve or have the opportunity to receive a college education, then pay it forward. Give back and lift up. Encourage education, reading, entrepreneurial opportunities, etc. To make a change we have to be the change.

These are my three top issues I have with American society. I am okay with you agreeing or not agreeing with me. This is why I said they are my issues. If you have some issues you would like to discuss or bring to my attention, please leave me a comment below or send it to my email ( I am always open for discussion.

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