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Issues Women Face

As women, we are constantly being fed messages that fuel negative talk. For instance, fat shaming. If you aren't slim and young, you are not beautiful. To be successful, you are told to wear form fitting dresses, high heels, have perky breast (aka fake), and blonde hair. On the other hand, there is skinny shaming. If you are a large women you are not beautiful, lazy, and portrayed as being loud-mouthed she devil.

This is why some women strive to impress the importance of a positive self image.

With these two issues revolving in the community of women, it is no wonder one in every 250 women suffer from an eating disorder. But sadly, this is not the only issues women face today.

Domestic Violence - One in four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Women who are involved in domestic violent relationships remain in that unstable situation for nearly three years before seeking help.

Catcalling - Having a group of men call out lewd comments or even what they believe to be complementary compliments is something not to be ignored. How do you think these men will feel if this happened to their mothers, sisters or daughters. Women are not sexual objects. We have earned and deserved respect. We should be shown such respect at all times.

Sex Trafficking - Women, especially girls between the ages of 9-12, are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. According to Equality Now, 20.9 million women and children are bought and sold worldwide into sexual service. This is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.

Stalking and Harrassment - Stalking is one of the most common types of abuse. Around one in 25 women aged 16-59 are victims of stalking every year. And sadly, this number is increasing due to the Internet.

Gender Pay Gap - The average woman's unadjusted annual salary has been cited as 78%-82% of that of the average man's. Full-time female workers make only 80 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gap of 20%. Women earn less than men in every occupation.

Date Rape - This is also know as acquaintance rape. This specifically refers to unwanted sexual intercourse between the victim and the perpetrator who have never been romantically or sexually connected. Date rape frequently occurs in situations involving alcohol or date rape drugs and is prevalent on college campuses.

Unfortunately, 84% of the victims know their attackers.

It seems as though women have received the short end of the stick since the beginning of time. It has taken us many battles and years and years of struggle to get to where we are today. It is part of our sisterhood as women to help each other. We will never be able to continue our fights if we do not join together and fight as one.

Until next time, stand together!

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