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Issues Affecting Women Around the World

Women account for half the world's population but still continue to face hardships that affect our well being and lives. The following statistics are from an 2014 article that was published on the Culture-ist website.

1. Education - One hundred sixteen million girls ages 15-24, in developing countries never complete primary school. And of the 774 million who cannot read or write in the world are female.

2. Equal Pay - In America, women earn 81 cents to a man's dollar. And if you are African american or Latin America, the difference is greater.

3. Genocide - Eighty percent of all refugees and displaced people are women. These women, girls also, are instruments of genocide (sexual violence and rape).

4. Poverty - Women account for 70% of the population living in absolute poverty (less than $1.00 a day).

5. Sex Trafficking - The fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. Women and girls make up 98% of the victims.

6. Domestic Violence - Seven million women (35% worldwide) have experienced physical or sexual violence that was committed by their partner.

7. Objectification - Women are often objectified, exploited and misrepresented in magazines and television.

If these alarming statistics have got you thinking about raising your voice and support, check out the websites below.

World Education - Improves the quality of life through education for half a million children and adults in twenty countries. These programs promote individual and collective change.

AAUW - "The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap", addresses the issues of women and the pay gap in the U.S., how it affect women of all ages, races and education levels. Scroll to the bottom to download the report. It is available in English and Spanish.

Dafur Women Action Group - Envisions a world where justice for all, equal rights and the respect for human dignity is the primordial ethnic. They even have an upcoming conference in Washington, DC. Check our the website for more information.

National Women's Law CenterWomen and Poverty

Women Helping WomenViolence Against Women's Act (VAWA), Family Violence Prevention Services Act (FVPSA)Office of Violence

Also check out Centre County women's Resource Center (CCWRC) for volunteering opportunities, serving on committees, and donations (monetary, books, items in need).

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