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Women of Color - Original Activists

Question: Do Women of Color need White women to be their activists?

Before we answer that question, let's take a look at a few things.

Women of Color is used to describe females of color. This term is used to represent all women who are non-white with regard to oppression, racism or racial bias.

The term, also known as WOC, has political roots. In 1977 during the National Women's conference, a group of black women created the Black Women's Agenda to work with the conference. The point was to substitute the "minority Women's Plan." When other minority women heard about the agenda, the wanted to be included as well and this lead to the creation of the term "women of color".

Since the 1980's, many people (especially those involved in women's studies) have began to acknowledged that differences among women are due to inequalities of power and privilege, unequal social relations and other inequalities. Acknowledging the difference is just the beginning, but it is no enough.

As the diversity movement continues to grow, it seems to coincide with the demographic shift from a predominantly White America to a mostly non-White America. And as this change continues to shift, the views of American move from Western culture to a non-Western culture spiced with multiple seasonings that are bringing life to a dull dish that is mainstream white culture.

So, now, back to my question. "Do Women of Color need White women to be their activists?"

Women of Color has been activists forever. Asking a White woman how she can help us promote WOC is like asking a bling man to describe color. Throughout history, WOC have fought for their rights, large and small, not only for themselves, but for other women as well. And this even includes White women. As far as we are concerned, we are all women. Color makes no difference. Our purpose has always been focused on inclusion, not exclusion.

The oppression of Black women are different from that of an Asian women, Muslim women, Latino women and other WOC, but because our experiences are different, what we have to say and share are most necessary and valuable for/to all women. Our experiences push conversation forward to places it would never have reached. You are welcome!

So, instead of asking , "Do Women of Color need White women to be their activists?", White women should be asking WOC how they can help to promote our views as activists. Women of Color are the necessary center of any female activists movement.

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Until the next time, untie, the battle belongs to all of us!

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